PAAS National is your pharmacy’s advocate at your side from pre-audit preparation through post-audit discrepancies. With more than 21 years of experience assisting pharmacies with audits, PAAS has seen it all. PAAS knows the focus of each audit type and can provide your pharmacy with pre-audit consulting services. PAAS knows what documentation you need to collect, how to organize it and the proper method to submit the information should your pharmacy get audited. PAAS can be one of your most valuable resources to help with filling and billing a drug, reviewing a contract, finding a contact person at a PBM, acquiring basic forms such as Sig Logs, or finding an attorney. PAAS is a valuable resource that you can depend on. Pharmacy Services Inc. customers are eligible for a special offer. Be sure to mention your connection to PSI when you call. More information can be found in this informational brochure.

Contact Information
Phone: (888) 870-7227
Fax: (608) 873-4009